Saturday, November 29, 2008

semuanya ttg aku

Name : Farain binti Ahmad Fuat

Sisters : Fatin(oldest) , Ashiela (younger) , Ainina (youngest)
Brothers : Ahmad Farez
Shoe size : 40 for ladies,8 1/2 for sneakers *beso betol kaki ak ni*
Height : 160++cm (166 kot~)
Where do you live : klang?

Have you ever

been on a plane :nope2.sedeh sungguh

Swam in the ocean :ha ha ha..sye pnh lemas ya..maka tau la jwpnnye
Fallen asleep at school : mmg salute la sape yg xpna..1st time tdo mse hri last skola mse darjah 6..sungguh la xpatut -_-"
Broken someone’s heart : pna2..ksian org tuu
Fell off your chair : uishh..xkot
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : skg da ade hp..xpayah dok je kt situ..kendong je la hp tu kemane2..hahaha
Saved e-mails : dulu2 pna berantai..khurafat!!

What is

your room like : sgt crowded dgn barang2 akak ak!!eeeee~ geram

right beside you:xde pape??

the last thing you ate : nsk..aku xbole idop xde nsk

Ever had...

chicken pox : pna2..ck2 dlu..hehe

Sore throat :xkut..huhu
Stitches : nope
Broken nose : nope

Who was/were...

The last person you danced with: i dont dance..haha

Last made you smile:a tv program
You last yelled at: to my siblings..ade org xtutup lampu bilik air~

Do you..

believe in love at first sight : tak. Tak logik
like your hand-writing :nope..xpna consistant :(
eat healthy : not really..hehehe *bege c.jr terbayang di depan mata*

Like picnics : hell yeahh~!! kawan2..jom picnic~
still have pictures of you & your ex :ade..yg 1st xde..haha
have any pets : yep2..ade mimot dgn kabu..oh kucing kuuu~
sleep with the TV on :slalu..tu kes nk jgk tgk tv wpon mate dah xtahan

Today did you...

Talk to someone you like: ade2..mengade btol org tu =p

Kissed anyone:tarak
Get sick :dah x kne makan ubat jugak
Talk to an ex : ehh..xde keje ka??
Miss someone : yess..absolutely

Who do you really hate: nta..bwatpe nk ingt org y kte bnci..haha

Are your toe nails painted : nope

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : i sleep almost i dont mind at all

What color shirt are you wearing now : white.jersi kusess ak xpulang *hehe*

Are you a friendly person : trying to be no lah..xsesuai

What are you doing right now : 2 in 1 (blogging n ans survey)

Can you handle the truth : yep

Are you closer to your mother or father : mama

If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : rakan2 ku...xpon g tdo..lg best~

Are you loud or quiet most of the time : xtau

Are you confident : tak..susa btol la ak ni..haihh

5 things I was doing 10 years ago

1) budk darjah tiga yg rajin g skolah
2) jawab pts *konon bole lompat tp xdpt* hahaha
3) made lots of friend..dlu2 ak friendly laa..hehe
4) jd pengawas percubaan..hehe
5) enjoying my life as a kid..xpaham lg mksd donia ni..

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire

1) pegi haji bersame2 family
2) travel..maklum laa..ak ni naek kapal terbang pon xpna
3) support bisnes bas ayah aku..hehehe
4) bli kete dan bnda2 yg ak nk~~wheee
5) derma kt pusat jagaan haiwan*ak suka kucing ye* dgn rumah org tua

5 of my bad habits

1) malas
2) degil
3) tenang xkena tempat
4) tdoholic
5) ske pk negatif

5 places I've lived/living

1) uma nenek ak (sekarang)
2) uma parent aku (dr lahir smpai 6 tahun)
3) skola tercinta *kt kuala sgor*
4) UM
5) nta..tu je kot

laaaaa..tu je ke..ingt kan best..boring je..hahaha =p

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